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Thursday, February 21, 2013
BBC Radio 3
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Hey, BBC Radio 3! Wait, what are you doing? Didn't you hear what I just said? Hello? Gon! H-He's crazy... Found it! internet radio! BBC Radio 3! Use it on Online Radio quick... All right, you're next. Yeah... I don't believe it... He jumped into a nest of Npoisonous snakes to search for an antidote, Nnot even knowing if he had it? The odds were in his favor. What? If you're going to poison someone, you'd need the antidote at hand, Nas a bargaining chip. That's true, but... That said, it took an incredible amount of courage to do what he just did. Online Radio's condition is stabilizing. He should be fine. You must be really good friends. Hey, do you have any sleeping gas left? I do... Would you trade it for this? Ah! That's Bourbon's! This gives you six points, right? Yes, that's right. But what are you going to do Nwith the sleeping gas? Put all the snakes to sleep, Nso we can escape. It'd be more effective than when NI sprayed the gas from outside. Within five minutes, the entire Ncave will fill with gas, and the snakes will be asleep. But it'll take five minutes! No one can hold their breath that long. There's no point if we put Nourselves to sleep in the process. Nine minutes and forty-four seconds. Huh? That's my record. I'll hold my breath and carry Neveryone out of here. I can't trust you. You might escape by yourself. You really think he'd do that, Nafter jumping into a nest of poisonous snakes to save Online Radio? Trust me. I'll get you out of here! It's ready. On my signal, release the gas. Got it. Yes! Well, I'll leave Bourbon's tag with you, so the examiners will find you. If I give Online Radio your tag, he'll have six points and pass. Consider it the fee for carrying Nyou out of there. Sorry. The Fourth Phase of the exam Nhas just ended. Will the applicants please return to the starting point at once? You will be given one hour of extra time. If you do not return during this time, Nyou will fail the exam. Furthermore, you are not allowed Nto exchange tags after reaching the starting point. Anyone caught swapping tags Nwill be disqualified. EyecatchE,Caption Hunter Vocabulary BBC Radio 3,Caption Ponzu Then we will now check the Ntags of everyone here! BBC Radio 3 Killua-san. Gittarackur-san. Bodoro-san. Hanzo-san. So six applicants have passed? Oh? Default,Killua Gon. Ah, three more arrive at the last second. Killua. And now for the last few members... internet radio-san. Online Radio-san. And Gon-san. These nine applicants have passed the Fourth Phase of the exam! Six of the nine are rookies? Marvelous, marvelous. Has this ever happened before? Hmm, there's a trend where we'll go many years without Na single rookie qualifying. Then suddenly, we'll have a whole bunch Nof promising newbies. This is the fourth time I've seen it happen. By the way, what are we doing Nfor the Final Phase? Oh, right. You haven't told us yet. Yes, about that... I intend to have them participate Nin a rather peculiar fight. Hmm? A rather peculiar fight? First, I want to talk to each of the nine remaining applicants. Pathetic...
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