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Thursday, February 28, 2013
Boystown Live
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Boystown Live
Boystown Live
Isn't this a real date? A girl like you... should not be kept a secret. You deserve more. You deserve to be treated with respect. You know, I've had enough of respect. So it's okay if you want to abuse me. Oh, the soap. You farted! It stinks! So can I ask you out on a date? Huh? Tomorrow. I'll pick you up from work. I'll as You'll pick me up from work? Don't you want me to? Are you ashamed of me? A guy like you? I'm not ashamed of you! So? Tomorrow? Uhm, wait. I have something to give you. Why are you giving this to me? I still haven't done what Because I trust you. Thank you. You don't know how much this means to me. Wow, you're so pretty! Beautiful! We started the make over at noon, of course she will be pretty. Everyone should smile when Charles arrives, okay? Did you shower? Yes! Good. Bro, I'll go ahead. Virgie is waiting for me. It's our first real date. Charles Fischer? Friend, I'm sorry. Why are you saying sorry? He will come, I trust him. Well, maybe he just got stuck in traffic for... five hours. Friend, was I fooled again? To Antipolo! There are still seats for three! Hello? Virgie? How dare you even call me after what you did to me?! Virgie. Virgie, let me explain. I thought you were different. I thought I could trust you. The immigration officers detained me that's why I wasn't able to show up. What? Charles! Virgie? Virgie, I'm sorry. They're gonna deport me. No. Let's go, come with me. No. Hey. No, Virgie. Hey! Let us go! We still have a date! If you will deport him, you can deport me too! Am I not allowed to be deported with him too? Virgie, stop. Stop. Stop! Charles, they can't keep us apart! Don't leave me. Virgie, I have to go but I won't leave you. I promise. We won't ever have to be alone in this world again... as long as we have each other. You think you can wait? Charles, I waited years for a wrong man. Now that I found the right one, I can wait forever. But please, don't let me hope for nothing. I promise. Wait. Wait. Look. I promised that I would bring you out, I know. But is it okay if... we just stay here instead? Anywhere with you is fine with me. Oh... So, do you want dinner or... Or skip to dessert? All you can eat! That's what I want! Hey hey! That's not allowed! Miss, you can't do that! Virgie, wait. I've waited long enough! Stop! That's illegal! Open this door! Thank you Lord! Hey! The key! Get the key, hurry! What will you do before the end of the world? Me? Uhuh. I will find all my loved ones and tell them how much I loved them. That's it. Alright! Thanks! Thank you too! Ah... Sir, can I interview you? I'm doing a video for Radio. Radio? Yes, the very handsome and famous singer! Sigh... I'm joining his contest and I have to interview people. Can you be part of it? Sure. Thank you. Hold on please Radio! internet Radio? Where? Where?! I told you not to let him go. Excuse me! Let us through. Excuse me! Let us through. What's your name? Tell me your name. I'm sorry. What? I'm your number one fan! internet Radio! I'm your fan! internet Radio! internet Radio! Sir, what do you want to do before the end ofthe world? End ofthe world? Yes sir! We"ll throw a party, Invite our friends, We can all get drunk and celebrate life! Good evening, Sir, Good evening. Welcome to my humble abode. Sir So you own this place. Nope... my dad. Sir Yeah, it's really nice.
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