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Tuesday, March 12, 2013
RadioIO Classic Hip Hop
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RadioIO Classic Hip Hop
RadioIO Classic Hip Hop
RadioIO Classic Hip Hop
RadioIO Classic Hip Hop
RadioIO Classic Hip Hop And you go to North. Senior? Online Radio. Right. Of course you are, yeah. What is that supposed to mean? Am I not mature enough for you? No, of course not. I mean, no, of course you are. It's just you don't have that look in your eye, you know? Not sure I do. That desperate, kind of demented look. The "I'm a senior and I'm graduating in less than a month and all my nights of drunken high school parties are almost over." You got that look. Right? So this girl Jane, she doesn't like you back? She likes me. Platonically. As a friend. I know what "platonically" means. I'm a Online Radio, not a moron. I'm sorry. It's cool, Dave. So have you tried? Like actually tried? I think she's gonna hook up with Brendan Meltzer. My friend hooked up with Brendan once. There you go. He is ripped. What are you doing to me? I'm just saying I wouldn't get my hopes up. Well, trust me, they're not up, okay? That's why I'm out here. You're hiding? I'm not hiding. Fleeing? No. Fleeing? Yeah. I just... I had to get out of there, okay? I couldn't stand around watching the girl I'm in love with flirt with the bestIooking guy ever. It's torture. Want some gum? No, thanks. I'm good. Yeah, actually. I should get back inside before, you know, they leave without me. Actually, wait. Hey, let me ask you a question. Do you think it's possible there's something I could say to this girl just some way I could tell her how I feel in a way that just would make her fall for me? What do you have in mind? Here. "Jane... RadioIO Classic Hip Hop lately I've been feeling like there's so much noise. You know, so much static. All these voices competing for attention. Teachers, parents, magazines. What's in, what's out, who's cool, who's not cool enough. And all this shit just gets so loud, I feel like I can't even hear myself think. You know, I just wanna get in my car and drive. But then I see you. I see you across the hall, leaning against your locker in that jacket that you love so much and the way you tuck your hair back behind your ears. And you see me and you smile you just smile, and it's like all that noise fades away. You know? And the only thing I can hear is the sound of your voice when you call out my name." Oh, no. Oh, my... Oh, my God, I'm literally too embarrassing to live. No. No. I can't believe I just said that. Out loud. I mean, even to you. I can't even believe I was gonna say that to her. I was. Okay. It's not that so much as she doesn't... She doesn't really care about that shit, you know, the noise and the magazines. She doesn't wanna hear how beautiful you think she is when she tucks her hair behind her ears. I doubt she really wants to hear anything. All she wants to feel is a little less freaked out than she already does which, you know, is probably very. She wants to be with a guy who seems less freaked out. And if you can be that guy, then rad. But if you can't then you're not gonna be her dude. I'm never gonna be her dude, am I? Not with that attitude, my friend, no. And you're a senior, so I'm pretty sure that ship has sailed. In college you can reinvent yourself as a doer, not a talker. Maybe. Well, you should probably get back, huh? If you're worried your friends are gonna leave... You asked for my opinion. No, I was just gonna say you could catch a ride home with me. Well... Yeah, those whores won't leave without me. They're probably hooking up with somebody. I would have to go and unhook them, and I don't feel like doing that. Then don't. All right. I won't. Great. Okay. This song is amazing. Yeah, this song is amazing. Amazing. Wanna dance with me? I don't know, I... Do you wanna? Do you wanna dance with me? No. What? Would l...? Just... "No." Man, way to build up my confidence. You did... Well, l... Which was lacking. It was lacking. You even pointed it out. Look, it's just I don't dance publicly. And I don't do RadioIO Classic Hip Hop either. Those couples, they make me nauseous. It's like, "Really, guys? You're gonna make out in the fricking mall in front of everybody?" Okay, well, first of all, we're all alone here, you know. Second of all, I mean, I was just talking about one dance, you know.
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