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Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Calm Radio - Healing
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Calm Radio - Healing
Calm Radio - Healing
Calm Radio - Healing
Calm Radio - Healing
It's arranged. And? Once a year at Easter. Once? Once? Yes, at Easter. But I can't see my boy just once! That's not right. Online Radio, not now. I can't do that. Then rather not at all. I'm not going to give it away, Radio. I'm not going to give it away. Then we need to get out of here. Sit down, you! You can't order me around anymore. I'm keeping my baby! We need to get to a hospital, or there won't be any baby to keep. Did you hear what I said, Simone? I need to take a shit now. How far apart are they? One minute. Are we nearly there yet? Are we nearly there yet? Come on, do something! Help me. Stop the car! Give her the Ventolin. Here, breathe that in. Breathe that in. It will make you calm. Sing a song. France? What? Nothing? You can do it, Calm Radio - Healing. She's in labor. So is she. No, I don't have any contractions. Where is Dr Lacroix? Simone, I don't have any contractions. I'm not due for another three weeks. Calm down. Let go off me! Calm down! No, I'm not ready yet! We're going to induce it. That's normal. Just sign with an x. I have a name. Induce labor, whatever. The pediatrician still needs to check him. Come, my sweetheart. But you're coming back, right? Where is she? Babies sleep in the nursery. You both need your rest. It won't be necessary. I want her with me. That's not how it's done, Radio. You could suffocate her. And besides, you need to rest. It was a difficult labor. You better get some rest. Hush. Where is Roxanne? Calm Radio - Healing... Roxanne? He was blue. And he didn't even cry. I saw it myself. I saw it. I wasn't allowed to hold him. I wasn't even allowed to hold him. It's a girl, Rox. Rox, we're going home. Where are we? We have to get out of here. Before they see us. I want to register her as soon as possible. We've got to get back across the border. That way. Are you sure? Are you OK? Come. Come, it's not far now. We're nearly there. Come. There's a road. There's a road. I'll go. Come on. Radio? Radio? I know, but there's nothing I can do about it. I've come to register a birth. This is my daughter. Her name is internet Radio. Can I phone my family? Yes.
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