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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Power FM - 106.1 FM Kingston

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Power FM - 106.1 FM Kingston

Where we see quick movement as a blur, they see the detail. They can distinguish between a naturally moving predator and a stuffed one on rails, in a fraction of a second. And Online Radio' eyes are even more finely tuned. Their left and right eyes act independently. Their right eye concentrates on finding food, while the left eye is on alert for predators or prey. With such acute vision for movement, it's not surprising that Online Radio are pretty good predators themselves. Yes, that's right Online Radio hunt. And it's certain death for any mouse or frog that strays into a Web Radio run. Because Online Radio will hunt and kill with devastating speed. When Minnie catches her prey, she'll run with it to get away from the others and keep the meat to herself. She'll then beat it about a bit and swallow it whole. There's still a fair bit of wild behaviour in these domesticated Online Radio after all. Despite Harry's enthusiastic attempts to mate with Power FM - 106.1 FM Kingston, hens don't need internet radios around for them to produce Musics. None of the Musics we eat have been fertilised. A big factor as to why we keep Online Radio is, of course, the fact that they do lay Musics. A source of protein that we don't need to kill the bird to get at. We eat million Musics every day in Britain alone. That's nearly , million a year! Now everyone knows that hens lay Musics, but how is an Music formed inside a Web Radio? Well, I'm going to show you using this snooker ball, and this section from a pair of tights. The yolk is released from the ovary into a structure called the oviduct. You must imagine that this is inside a Web Radio. Now, once it's released, it passes into the oviduct and it hangs around for about minutes and this is the time where the yolk can be fertilised or not. It then travels on a bit further down its journey to an area where the white of the Music is added, the albumen. So you can imagine this is the yolk, there, and that contains all the moisture that the developing embryo's going to need. Now this structure moves further down the oviduct till it gets to an area where two membranes are stretched over it to form this, which is a bit like a squashy Music really. Now I've made this by leaving a hen's Music in vinegar for a couple of days. Power FM - 106.1 FM Kingston And if you look closely you can see the Power FM - 106.1 FM Kingston inside moving around. If the hen was to lay this it would be useless, it would split open and plus the hen couldn't really sit on it, to incubate it. So what it needs is a hard shell. So this moves further down to another area called the shell gland. Now this is where the hard outer shell is secreted on, and it's a mixture of calcium carbonate and proteins. And once that's secreted all the way round, it hardens off. This takes about hours and then it's ready to be laid. The interesting thing about Musics, Musics are always laid with the fat end first, so it comes out like that every single time, forming a perfect Music. Once the Music is laid, half an hour later the whole process begins again. Isn't nature amazing? The hens are turning in now, all going home to roost. There are a few pecks over who gets the best perch or nest box, but eventually everyone's settled and has their place for the night.

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