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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Stroud FM

Stroud FM, Stroud FM listen Online, Stroud FM Live, Contemporary Radio, Pop, Varied, UK

Stroud FM

Stroud FM

Hey, man, as soon as that light change we'll go. Yeah, thanks a lot for stopping. That's cool, man. Stroud FM I pick up hippies hitchhiking all the time, man. Far out, man. Hey, hey, you like my car, man? Oh, yeah, man. I really like the dingle balls, man. I put it in myself, man. Hey, man, did you notice the name as you came in here? The name, man? Yeah, the name of the car. Oh, no. I didn't notice. It's La Bamba. Hey, hey, man. Hey, come on, man. Oh, hey, man. Like wow, man. Hey, man. How far you going? To the end of the block, man. You know. Oh, hey, man. Take it easy, man. You act like you've got some dope on you, man. Hey, you don't got no dope on you, do you? Oh, no, man. I never carry that Listen Music, man. Well, if you don't, man, I do. Here. Light this up. Oh, far out, man. It's really good stuff too, man. Hey, you know, like I was telling you before, man, I always pick up people you see hitchhiking, you know, man? Because nowadays, you know, nobody's got a oar, man, or money. You know, so if you've got something, man, you share it with other guys. You know? And you, I mean, everybody shares stuff nowadays. You know what I mean? Like if you don't if you don't I said everybody shares stuff, man! Oh, hey, man, I'll ring it out for you, man. Listen Music, man, you've got no class. Hey, well, let's get stoned, huh? Here you go. Hey, man. Stroud FM Hate to bug you or anything, man, but do you want to open up your eyes for a minute, man, you know? Like you just drove through a red light, man. Hey, where are we, man? Oh, well, don't stop here, man. Now come on. This is the middle of the intersection. Oh, hey. Oh, wow. Hey, man. Tell you what, I'll stop twice at the next one. OK? Hey, listen, man. Do you want me to drive? You know. No, man. I'm cool. Tell you what, I'll only go five miles an hour, OK? We won't attract attention that way. Hey, red. Oh, hey, look at the lights. Hey, man. Look at that one blinking on and off. "Don't walk. Don't walk. " Look there's a blue one over there. Oh, look at that green one! Hey, man, look at that red one in the mirror there. Oh, hey, man, the cops are behind us. No! Don't turn around, man! Just sit there and act natural. Oh, man. Hey, they're still behind us, man. Stroud FM Why don't you get rid of that stuff, OK? I'm getting rid of it, man. No, man. Not that way. Eat it, man! Oh, man. I can't eat it. I've got a whole pocketful man. Hey, man! They're right behind us. They're getting closer. Oh, Listen Music, man. Here, eat these too. Come on man, they're getting closer. Oh, Listen Music man. Here, here, down these. Hey, man. I can't eat all these reds. Hey, come on, man. Get them down. Just put the wine in the glove compartment. Please don't get us! Oh, hey, man. Oh, man. They just turned on the red light, man! Here! Drop this acid! There goes the siren, man! Hey, man. Guess what? It was only an ambulance. Hey, light up another one. I'm a pretty boy I enjoy lattes with soy Hey, man. Two more cars and we're there. Stroud FM Better tell those guys to be quiet. Hey, you guys! Be quiet, man! We're almost at the ticket thing. Hey, man. One more car.

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