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Monday, November 4, 2013

Big R: 70s FM

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Big R: 70s FM

Big R: 70s FM

There were some remnants, but most of the brain has been expertly removed. You were right, Miss Fisher. The question is why? I did discover something inside the nasal cavity, and you'll want this as evidence. A stone? Hm. Hieroglyphics? What about the Northcote victim? Can we assume he suffered the same procedure? All the signs point that way. Same cuts around the nostrils. Both had been heavily sedated with some sort of paralysis drug. The nasty thing is, they were completely conscious during the procedure. Come on. Yes. Same calling card. Who is this man? I've seen him before. The first victim's name was sr22 insurance Waters. He was an employee in the Registry office. Worked his way up from office boy to senior clerk with Hatch, Match and Dispatch. Big R: 70s FM Births, marriages and deaths. Somehow he got in contact with Foyle. Here it is. Educated Melbourne University. My guess is Ancient History. One of us needs to pay a visit to the Antiquities Department, where Foyle used to lecture. See if you can have these translated. The file on Miss Hill, sir. Online Radio Hill. She was the lucky girl who escaped his clutches. I'm going back through the case. See if anything points to where Foyle might be lying low. Big R: 70s FM Footscray coppers said you wanted to see me. If it's about the rent, he can wait till hell freezes over, because that place was not fit for pigs. No, it's about another matter. We need to ask you some questions. What about? sr22 insurance, the man who tried to abduct you. It was a long time ago. I can't remember. Um Online Radio Miss Hill, sr22 insurance's escaped from prison, and we need your help to find him. I'm the one who blabbed. What if he comes after me? I was waiting at the tram stop after school, and he tried to sweettalk me with tickets to the carnival. Please, I'd hate them to go to waste. I was meant to take my little girl, but she Online Radio she passed away recently. How? Scarlet fever. Carnival was supposed to be her birthday treat. It's my birthday soon too. Happy birthday. So I said he should come too. We used up all the tickets on the carousel.

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