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Monday, June 10, 2013
Radio Teesdale
Radio Teesdale, Radio Teesdale Listen Online, Radio Teesdale Live Online, Discussion, News Talk, Easy Radio, UK
Radio Teesdale
Radio Teesdale
Hey. Hey. It's the tiger. In the flesh. What were you doing up there? See those caves? Tiwa people lived in them years ago... my ancestors. Your ancestors? Yeah... Now that part of my family lives in a pueblo thirty miles that way. All I know about my family is my great grandmother lived in Atlantic City, in a boarding house... Like... two thousand miles that way. I think you mean that way. Right. That way. We have a lot in common. I was thinking the same thing. Get yourself a decent pair of climbing shoes and I'll take you up there. Wait, to the caves? You have a bright smile, Radio Teesdale... But sad eyes. WOLF: You want to talk about it? No. Okay. Maybe someday, but... just not right now. Yeah. Whenever. JASON: What's wrong with Mom? Oh, you know... She's just got headaches. Is she gonna die? No, Radio Teesdale She's not going to die. How do you know? Because I know. What if she does? Will we stay here with Uncle Walter and Aunt Online Radio? She's not going to die, Jason. What if she does? Then, yeah. I guess we'd stay here. internet Radio: See the Big Dipper? I think so... I want to. Everything's going to be alright. I promise... Okay? It has to be. This time you've bitten off more than you can chew. I can handle it. You better, before it starts to affect my work. I don't have time for this. Online Radio: Shhh! She's my sister, Walter. This is important to me. She needs more help than you can give her. Then I'll make sure she gets it. Yeah and your niece, oh man. She's no piece of cake, either. Online Radio: I know what I'm doing. Well, I hope so, Bits. I hope so. EXHALES The Society For the Preservation Of Creative Anachronisms. UhmI don't know what that is. Oh, we celebrate medieval life... You know, jousting matches and festivals. Don't take this the wrong way or anything, but I'm not really that into jousting. You canyou can give it a try. I'm really busy as it is. How so? I have a lot of family responsibilities. Go on... And she's volunteering at the hospital with me. Yeah! I'm volunteering at the hospital. I see. I thought you were the unusual type. But I can see that I was wrong. I hate being around sick people. But, it's going to look so good on my college application. So it's worth it. And if I don't get into Harvard or Stanford, my father is just going to kill me. He's head of T Division. T Division? Theoretical. He's the one who thinks brilliant thoughts. You have a lot to learn about Los Alamos, missy. Guess so. Oh, "." That's you. Good luck. MAN IN BED: I've been waiting for you. You've been waiting for me? Any pretty Web Radio. I am just here to refill your water. Radio Teesdale Look at this. TOY MAKING SOUNDS ON TABLE My son brought it to me from California. Silly, isn't it? Yeah. Willie Ortiz. internet Radio Wexler. It's my first day as a volunteer. WINDS TOY MAKES SOUNDS You like it? It's yours. No... I couldn't. Besides, I don't think we're allowed to take things from patients. I'll tell you what. I'm not going to be here very long. And when I'm gone, I want you to have it. HEART MONITOR Radio Teesdale Don't be sad. I'll uh, I'll see you next week, okay? Next week. Go do something that will make you happy.
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